After choosing “Select a Station” of the Tools menu or when pressing the Stations name on the main display, you will find the list of predefined stations, the possibility to edit the stations and to create new ones. To choose a predefined station, simply click on its name. In this figure you see the default ‘local’ phonebook and a list of loaded phonebooks. The “Echo server” is a free service and is meant for test purposes only. You can always use this to test your internet connection, the stream you send will be sent back, so you will be able to hear yourself back with a short delay. The server is located in a datacenter in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
You can create your own Stations by choosing the + button to add a new Station
Sort the list by station name.
Edit the station parameters (protocol; codec; bitrate; jitter buffer; destination; channels; bit depth; auto record; sample rate).
Delete a station from the list.
Go back to the main screen with the selected station.
The search bar. Click in the bar for text input. At every input you will only see the items that include the text.