LUCI Knowledge Base

LUCI 4ALL – Customer Info

With your own customized app you can receive live multi platform contributions from anyone in superb audio quality. As soon as we received a formal order and all the required information, graphics and set up details, we can get back to you regarding the planning and process.

LUCI 4ALL Features & Requirements
LUCI 4ALL Security Pin Code access only
LUCI 4ALL Store Listing
LUCI 4ALL Image Customization
LUCI 4ALL Codec Customization
LUCI 4ALL How to instruct your users

LUCI 4ALL Features & Requirements

Find out more here regarding the possible features and platforms. For a quotation kindly contact The app is for your contributors a free download and install and can be developed for each of the following platforms:

Platform Download at
iOS iTunes App Store
Android Google Playstore
Windows Own Station’s download url
MAC Own Station’s download url

Make sure to choose a short name (max 9 characters incl. white spaces).

LUCI 4ALL Security Pin Code access only

To prevent public users to connect to your Studio we provide an extra service. With this service the use of the App is then locked with a pin-code. The Studio can Invite Guest or Contributors to connect to the Studio by supplying them with a pin-code valid for just one day, one week or indefinitely. The Pincode can be generated on our special Pin Code Generator Site:
Please read our LUCI secure manual

LUCI 4ALL Store Listing

Mostly the App are listed in iOS store or Google Play store with:

  • Short description, maximum of 80 characters.
  • Full description, maximum of 4000 characters.
  • Availability in only specific countries or worldwide.
  • This text promotes your app in the store, and can be in any language you wish.

LUCI 4ALL Image Customization

When we build a customized Luci4All we need from the customer several images with their logo on it. We kindly request you to create the images as specified below. Make sure your Logo looks good on BOTH a dark and light background.

We need images in PNG format with the following resolutions ( width x height ) and names.


For the App icon (Screenshot , iOS rounds the corners themselves, we can’t change that), as used for instance on the phone to start the app, we need the following sized images (PNG without transparency):
29 x 29 px , “icon-small.png”
58 x 58 px , “icon-small@2x.png”
50 x 50 px , “icon-small-50.png”
100 x 100 px , “icon-small-50@2x.png”
76 x 76 px , “icon-76.png”
152 x 152 px , “icon-76@2x.png”
72 x 72 px , “icon-72.png”
144 x 144 px , “icon-72@2x.png”
60 x 60 px , “icon-60.png”
120 x 120 px , “icon-60@2x.png”
57 x 57 px , “icon.png”
114 x 114 px , “icon@2x.png”
167 x 167 px , “icon-167.png”
For the iTunes store ( Screenshot  , Apple rounds the corners themselves on the website, we can’t change that) we need (PNG without transparency)
1024 x 1024 px , “iTunesArtwork.png”
For the main screen ( Screenshot ), your logo between the faders, we need (PNG with transparency):
160 x 220 px , “ButtonAbout.png”
320 x 440 px , “ButtonAbout@2x.png”
320 x 440 px , “ButtonAbout@2x~ipad.png” ( same file as ButtonAbout@2x.png , only the name is different)
Example files are downloadable here

Android or Desktop

  1. For the App icon (Screenshot ), as used for instance on the phone to start the app, we need the following sized images in PNG with transparency:
    128 x 128 px, “icon.png”
  2. For the Google Play store ( if requested ) please look at Google  Store  Screenshot : the high-res icon and Feature Graphic are mandatory, the rest optional, so minimal required:
    512 x 512 px, “hires-icon.png” ( PNG with transparency )
    1024 x 500 px, “feature.png” ( JPG or PNG without transparency )
  3. For the main screen ( Screenshot), your logo between the faders, we need (PNG with transparency):
    120 x 160 px, “ButtonAbout.png”
    180 x 240 px, “ButtonAboutHD.png”
    270 x 360 px, “ButtonAboutUHD.png”

LUCI 4ALL Codec Customization

LUCI 4ALL Codec Customization
The following information is needed to connect your LUCI 4ALL app to your Studio:

  • Studio codec’s Brand and type used.
  • For RTP : IPv4 address and Port number where the Studio codec can be reached.
  • For SIP : SIP server credentials (ip,user,passw,stun etc.) and Studio SIP number.
  • Preferred Audio Codec, default AAC-HE.
  • Preferred Audio Bitrate, default 48000.
  • Name of the Studio to be shown in the App’s Display :
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