LUCI Knowledge Base

Vista compatibility

We automated Vista compatibility, Luci Live2 will now check if it’s running on a Vista machine and will make sure it will run without the audio-dropouts previously encountered. This is independent of the number of audio-frames an ip-server sents back in each packet, so you can set the servers to send 1 frame per packet standard.

Download at the beta-site


V1.2R2 has been uploaded to

New features:

– There’s a button-guard option in Live2Setup/options. If enabled and if you’re online (Mic and antenna-button pressed), if you press the Mic or antenna-button the software will ask for confirmation before going offline. It will then ask: “press center-button to confirm”.

New Luci Live two version 1.2

Dear all, welcome to this blog regarding all new developments concerning Luci Live2.

For starters, we’ve uploaded new versions of Luci Live two to our webpages at:

Following new features were added since V1.1R3:
– AAC and AAC-HE options added for PDA.
– if you don’t fill in a port-number in the server setup , Luci Live 2 will default to 5004 for RTP and 2002 for UDP
– registration now goes via http-protocol and not via ftp-protocol anymore. Old registration remains online of course.

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