The “LUCI Studio Manager” is a liaison program to handle different remote control protocols and pass on the right information to the different LUCI Studio instances. A LUCI Studio instance is a LUCI Studio started with a separate settings .lsup file, handling one bidirectional audio stream. See ‘Setup LUCI STUDIO as a multi-channel server‘ for more info about Luci Studio Instances.
The “LUCI Studio Manager” is a separate program, distributed with LUCI Studio. You can find it in the Start menu as “LUCI Studio Manager” or, when you purchased LUCI Studio installed on USB, in your USB drive’s folder. The manager is now available for Windows, MAC and Linux and is free to use.
What can the LUCI Studio Manager do?
- Start Luci Studio Instances Automatically and act as a Watchdog timer.
Re-starting them when, for some reason, they do not respond within a predefined time limit.
(This functionality is free)
See the Wizard LUCI Studio with Ember+ clients - Run all instances as Service by installing the Luci Studio Manager as a Service.
(This functionality is free, only for Windows Luci Studio Version 6) - Remote Control the Luci Studio Instances with the Ember+ protocol.
(Ember+ plug-in license for Luci Studio needed - Remote Control the Luci Studio Instances with the OSC protocol.
(Ember+ plug-in license for Luci Studio needed)
See the Wizard LUCI Studio with OSC clients - Remote Control the Luci Studio Instances with the SNMP protocol.
(Ember+ plug-in license for Luci Studio needed
See the Wizard LUCI Studio with SNMP clients
Start the “LUCI Studio Manager” from the Windows Start menu, Mac or Linux App drawer.
- Hide Window : This will hide the window and leaves an icon in the systems Taskbar to open the window again.
- Edit Instances : For the Instance wizard to Add, Remove or change Instances
- OSC configuration: For the OSC wizard to set up control by OSC protocol.
- SNMP configuration: For the SNMP wizard to setup control by SNMP protocol.
- Log to File : for logging events to a daily log file
- Open Log File Location: This will show the location where the daily log files are stored, for easy access.
- Install as a Service… : To run the instances as a System Service in the Background.
- Quit: The real and only method to terminate the Application.
- About: Shows you information of the application including the version number.