LUCI Knowledge Base

Answering Machine

Receive message contributions and quotes, from anywhere in the world with high quality audio, recorded directly on your device with the LUCI Studio Answering Machine. An old school technique with a high tech backbone.

Activate the Answering Machine

1.   Open in LUCI Studio, ‘Menu’ – ‘Answering Machine’
2.   Use the standard ‘Greeting Messages’ or set your own
3.   Set the Maximum Message Time in seconds
4.   Activate with the button in the bottom right corner

Leave the app open to receive live contributions (you can hide the window). Let guests connect to your LUCI Studio, every time a guest connects they will be able to leave a message and can disconnect after.

Greetings Messages
These are the standard messages of the Answering Machine, you can replace these files with you own files, even the ‘Beep’ file, the order of file playing is always the same. Select a file to import your own file. Use the reload button to revert to the standard file.

Record Greeting
Record a new greeting message directly in the app. Select the message you want to replace, click on the ‘REC’ button below the Record Greeting and the file will be directly recorded to this message.


Incoming Messages
These are the files of the incoming messages from your guests, by double clicking the message you can play the file. The files are locally stored and are accessible via the ‘local drive’ –  ‘Music’ – ‘Messages’ folder. With the – button you can directly delete the message from this list and folder.

Maximum Message Time
Here you can set the message time (in seconds) your guests will have to record their message.

Fader / Volume adjust.
The slider adjusts the volume of the message files that is being played. The level can change in steps of 1dB. The maximum level is +20dB and minimum level is -20dB.

Timer, Play-Stop-Pauze
Here you can see the elapsed time the file has played. The selected file will play when the play button is pressed. Stop with the stop button file, pause the file with the pause button.

On-Off button
Activate or deactivate the answering machine with this button, when activating, your LUCI Studio will also be On-Air.

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