LUCI Knowledge Base

Modi Operandi

Overhaul Luci Studio MX can do what any other mix-minus mixer can do, without the need of having multiple hardware or virtual audio interfaces. The restriction is that it’s a software mixer, running on the same PC as Luci studio, but for small productions this is even a preferable setup as you have control over all the instances and the mixer.

One out of…

In the simplest setup you pick one of the incoming streams and relay it through with the channel’s ON or un-MUTE. The Local channel can always be on, providing an audio return to the Luci Studio Instance. Minimal audio interfaces needed is one main audio-output, optional an audio-in for the Local channel.

Mix-minus (N-1) interview or podcast.

Mix 2 or more Audio streams of Luci Studio instances together. The audio return of each instance has either the mix, minus itself, or the Talkback Mic or Solo’d channel. The Local channel can be added for an in-Studio host.

Direct to Shout/Icecast

If you want to route the Mix output directly to a Shout- or Icecast Server or any other “outhouse” server, you’ll need an extra Luci Studio Instance that is not connected to Luci Studio MX (see the main page of this manual). On Luci Studio MX set the main mix output to “NDI: MX main out”. On the extra Luci Studio Instance create a Station profile to connect to the external server and set the audio input to “NDI: pc name (MX main out)”. You can also us this extra Instance to Record it all:

Recording it all.

You can choose to record all the Audio channels individually with the Luci Studio Instances themself recording only their Audio Input. This is useful for post-production editing of the separate channels. Making one Recording with all channels can be done by one of the Luci Studio Instance that records both its Input and Output. The recording mode can be set in the Luci Studio Options->Recording Dialog

About NDI

While NDI is primarily designed for video, it can also be utilized to stream audio-only across standard internet connections. Luci Studio MX employs this capability to internally stream audio to and from Luci Studio Instances. Consequently, these streams are accessible and functional by any NDI-compatible software or device, labelled as “Instance name” for the instance’s output stream and “MIX – Instance name” for its audio return. MX is also capable of creating NDI streams for Local, Monitor, and Main Mix outputs, eliminating the need for any hardware interface.

You can find more information about NDI on NDI – Removing the limits of video connectivity.

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